Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Create Your Own Text-to-Speech Software in Just 3 Simple Steps

Create Your Own Text-to-Speech Software in Just 3 Simple Steps

Impress your friends with a cool trick that makes your computer speak whatever you type! This simple trick works on all Microsoft operating systems and requires no programming skills. Just follow a few easy steps, and you'll have your own text-to-voice software ready to go.

Steps to Create Your Text-to-Speech Software:

1. Open Notepad

Open Notepad on your computer and paste the following code into it:

Dim message, sapi
message = InputBox("What do you want me to say?", "Speak to Me")
Set sapi = CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

2. Save the File

Save the file with the name speak.vbs on your desktop.

3. Use the Script

Double-click the speak.vbs file. A box will appear asking you what you want your computer to say. Type your message, and your computer will speak it out loud!


Impress your friends by showing them this fun trick, and they'll be amazed at how simple it is to turn your computer into a speaking assistant!