Comprehensive List of Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Applications
Here is a detailed list of useful keyboard shortcuts that can enhance your productivity across various Windows applications and tasks.
General Keyboard Shortcuts
ALT + Underlined letter in a menu name: Opens the corresponding menu.
Underlined letter in a command name: Executes the corresponding command.
F10: Activates the menu bar of the active program.
RIGHT ARROW: Opens the next menu or submenu to the right.
LEFT ARROW: Opens the next menu to the left or closes a submenu.
F5: Refreshes the active window.
BACKSPACE: Opens the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
ESC: Cancels the current task.
SHIFT + Insert CD-ROM: Prevents automatic playback of CD-ROMs.
CTRL + SHIFT + ESC: Opens Task Manager.
Keyboard Shortcuts for Dialog Boxes
SHIFT + F8: Enables extended selection mode in selection lists, allowing arrow keys to move the cursor without changing the selection.
CTRL + SPACEBAR or SHIFT + SPACEBAR: Adjusts the selection.
CTRL + TAB: Moves forward through tabs.
CTRL + SHIFT + TAB: Moves backward through tabs.
TAB: Moves forward through options.
SHIFT + TAB: Moves backward through options.
ALT + Underlined letter: Executes the corresponding command or selects the appropriate option.
ENTER: Performs the command for the active option or button.
SPACEBAR: Selects or clears the check box if the active option is a check box.
Arrow keys: Selects a button if the active option is a group of radio buttons.
F1: Displays Help.
F4: Displays items in the playlist.
BACKSPACE: Opens a folder one level up in the Save As or Open dialog box.
Microsoft Natural Keyboard Shortcuts
Windows Logo: Displays or hides the Start menu.
Windows Logo + BREAK: Displays the system Properties dialog box.
Windows Logo + D: Displays the desktop.
Windows Logo + M: Minimizes all windows.
Windows Logo + SHIFT + M: Restores minimized windows.
Windows Logo + E: Opens My Computer.
Windows Logo + F: Searches for a file or folder.
CTRL + Windows Logo + F: Searches for computers.
Windows Logo + F1: Displays Windows Help.
Windows Logo + L: Locks the keyboard.
Windows Logo + R: Opens the Run dialog box.
Windows Logo + U: Opens Utility Manager.
Accessibility Keyboard Shortcuts
Right SHIFT for 8 seconds: Toggles FilterKeys.
Left ALT + Left SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN: Toggles High Contrast.
Left ALT + Left SHIFT + NUM LOCK: Toggles MouseKeys.
SHIFT five times: Toggles StickyKeys.
NUM LOCK for 5 seconds: Toggles ToggleKeys.
Windows Logo + U: Opens Utility Manager.
Windows Explorer Shortcuts
END: Displays the bottom of the active window.
HOME: Displays the top of the active window.
NUM LOCK + Asterisk (*): Displays all subfolders under the selected folder.
NUM LOCK + Plus (+): Displays the contents of the selected folder.
NUM LOCK + Minus (-): Collapses the selected folder.
LEFT ARROW: Collapses the current selection if expanded, or selects the parent folder.
RIGHT ARROW: Displays the current selection if collapsed, or selects the first subfolder.
Character Map Shortcuts
RIGHT ARROW: Moves to the right or to the beginning of the next line.
LEFT ARROW: Moves to the left or to the end of the previous line.
UP ARROW: Moves up one row.
DOWN ARROW: Moves down one row.
PAGE UP: Moves up one screen at a time.
PAGE DOWN: Moves down one screen at a time.
HOME: Moves to the top of the line.
END: Moves to the end of the line.
CTRL + HOME: Moves to the first character.
CTRL + END: Moves to the last character.
SPACEBAR: Switches between Enlarged and Normal mode when selecting a character.
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Shortcuts
CTRL + O: Opens a saved console.
CTRL + N: Opens a new console.
CTRL + S: Saves the open console.
CTRL + M: Adds or removes a console item.
CTRL + W: Opens a new window.
F5: Updates the content of all console windows.
ALT + SPACEBAR: Displays the MMC window menu.
ALT + F4: Closes the console.
ALT + A: Displays the Action menu.
ALT + V: Displays the View menu.
ALT + F: Displays the File menu.
ALT + O: Displays the Favorites menu.
Remote Desktop Connection Shortcuts
CTRL + ALT + END: Opens the Security dialog box in Microsoft Windows NT.
ALT + PAGE UP: Switches between programs from left to right.
ALT + PAGE DOWN: Switches between programs from right to left.
ALT + INSERT: Cycles through programs in the most recently used order.
ALT + HOME: Displays the Start menu.
CTRL + ALT + BREAK: Switches the client computer between a window and full screen.
ALT + DELETE: Displays the Windows menu.
CTRL + ALT + Minus (-): Takes a snapshot of the entire area of the Windows client for the Terminal server clipboard.
CTRL + ALT + Plus (+): Takes a snapshot of the active window for the Terminal server clipboard.
Microsoft Internet Explorer Shortcuts
CTRL + B: Opens the Organize Favorites dialog box.
CTRL + E: Opens the Search bar.
CTRL + F: Starts the Find utility.
CTRL + H: Opens the History bar.
CTRL + I: Opens the Favorites bar.
CTRL + L: Opens the Open dialog box.
CTRL + N: Starts another instance of the browser with the same Web address.
CTRL + O: Opens the Open dialog box (same as CTRL + L).
CTRL + P: Opens the Print dialog box.
CTRL + R: Refreshes the current web page.
CTRL + W: Closes the current window.
These keyboard shortcuts are essential tools to increase your productivity while navigating through Windows, browsers, and various applications!